Tell The Story

The Massey Hill Heritage Preservation Project has engaged hundreds of citizens as we collected and cataloged artifacts and memorabilia, captured oral histories for prosperity and commissioned an exciting public art project that celebrates our common heritage and special bonds that tie us together.
We’ve created the Friends of Massey Hill Endowment Fund and the Massey Hill Heritage Preservation Project – our own 501(c)(3) toprovide funding for major projects to improve our community now and forever.
We completed our first project in January 2019 with the installation of commissioned public art in the roundabout. Donations from grants and individual donors exceeded $70,000. Other site improvements included an informational sign outlining details of the project and a paver pad with bricks with names of donors to the project.
Most recently we added additional signage and lighting to the informational sign, replaced the school bell at Massey Hill High School and installed a granite bench to complement the paver pad area. In addition, wayfinding signage has been installed at each of the entrances to the three textile mills and to the Southern Avenue entrance to Massey Hill from downtown.
But our plans don’t stop there.
Our next project is the acquisition and relocation of a mill village house to serve as a community center and museum in the Massey Hill community. We have worked with Massey Hill Baptist Church and the City of Fayetteville and have located a mill house. The house will be relocated to the Massey Hill Recreation Center campus where it will serve as a community meeting center and museum. It will provide a permanent home to the textile mill and high school memorabilia we have collected and help ensure those cherished memories are available for future generations.
Our budget to make this project happen is $70,000. We have already raised in excess of $22,000.
Future plans call for the repair, repainting and lighting of the Puritan Mill water tower on Southern Avenue. “Massey Hill” will be painted on the water tower and will be highly visible day and night from the surrounding as well as the MLK. Thousands of people each day will see the iconic symbol of the Massey Hill community.
We need your help to be successful. Each of us has been blessed to have been products of Massey Hill, and each of us can help ensure that the memories of this special place and those special times can be made available for future generations.
Please consider a donation to the Pirate cause. Click here for more information on donating to the cause.